No this picture is not of a home educating family having a jolly little BNP stylee knees up, this is a photo of that rational, intelligent, family guy who is head of the department which is now resorting to using the BNP smear card against us, because we dare to SAY NO. How to say NO is something dear old Ed could learn from us. That is of course if the truth of the matter is that he *only wore the uniform so as not to upset his friends* - sounds a bit similar to that old nazi war criminal defence of *I woz only doin' me job mate*....
We watched the *debate* in the Commons yesterday, and I can honestly say that it made me ashamed to be English. If that is the kind of behaviour those who run our country think is acceptable (and consider that all but maybe one of them are the result of the school system) then you can take your school system and shove it where the sun never shines. My children are better behaved, and have more respect for others than the lot of you. You do not have any right to tell us how to run our lives. Consider yourselves fired.
previous related articles:
Aren't you all hippies, weirdos and religious nutcases?
Home Education Diversity Survey Results
ETA: This tickled me as a concept - Cromwell your MP it's anonymous, incase that makes a difference ;)
And again ETA: Gill has, as ever, written an excellent post on yesterday's events here.
And another ETA: BillySu has done a fabulous collection of graphs - great visuals.
Ah, and Grit, dear Grit, tells it as only she can. Bravo!
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